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Starcraft 2 All Zerg Units

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Hotkeys are one of the most important aspects of improving your game in Starcraft 2. Hotkeys are keyboard shortcuts that allow you to perform a command by clicking a key rather than clicking an action on the screen. This allows for a great improvement in your speed when it comes to microing and macroing since you can quickly click a hotkey rather than having to move your mouse around and click the on screen buttons.

While it is true that the AI has certainly improved since StarCraft: Brood War, the AI we have in Starcraft 2 is far from perfect. There is always something to improve upon, there is always something to get better with. That's all dandy for both protoss and terran players, whose units have abilities. The zerg don't really rely on unit. The Zerg are getting some brand new units in StarCraft 2 that will majorly change the game. The new members of The Swarm look very interesting and the old units have picked up some new abilities. Baneling The Baneling is a evolution of the Zergling. Doing heavy damage to large groups of units and moving very fast in a rolling motion. Here you can find statistics for Starcraft II, including the expansion Heart of the Swarm. A short description for every column you can find by hovering over the column name. Unit Race Supply Build time Size. Zerg 2 75 25 27 1 2 1 1 145 A,B 16 2 -8 1 -2.0 2.25 0.75 x1.3 4 9 SCV Terran 1 50 0 17 0.75 1 0 1 45 L,B,M 5.

If you have any real aspiration of becoming a good Starcraft 2 player you need to learn your hotkeys and practice them. You may start off really slow but keep with it and you will improve over time and once you've learned to only use hotkeys you will question how you ever played Starcraft 2 without them.

General Unit Hotkeys

  • A – Move to a designated spot and attack any enemy along the way.
  • B – Open basic construction menu.
  • C – Send harvester back to base to deposit resources.
  • D – Unload all units from a transport.
  • G – Send harvester to gather resources.
  • H – Instruct unit to hold in designated spot.
  • M – Instruct unit to move to designated spot.
  • O – Unload one unit from a transport.
  • P – Patrol the designated area.
  • S – Stop unit from performing current task.
  • V – Open advanced construction menu.
  • F1 – Cycles through non-utilized SCVs, probes or drones
  • CTRL + Right Click – Move to a designated spot and attack any enemy along the way.
  • CTRL + number – Sets all selected units as a control group.
  • SHIFT + number – Adds all selected units to a control group.
  • TAB – Cycle through types of units or buildings in a control group.
  • SPACE – View last warning area (e.g. unit attacking, unit produced, supplies exhausted, etc.)

Protoss Building Hotkeys

Basic Construction Hotkeys (B)

  • A – Assimilator
  • C – Photon Cannon
  • E – Pylon
  • F – Forge
  • G – Gateway
  • N – Nexus
  • Y – Cybernetics Core

Advanced Consturction Hotkeys (V)

  • B – Robotics Bay
  • C – Twilight Council
  • D – Dark Shrine
  • F – Fleet Beacon
  • R – Robotics Facility
  • S – Stargate
  • T – Templar Archives

Protoss unit Production Hotkeys


  • I – Build Interceptor

Gateway (Warpgate)

  • D- Dark Templar
  • E – Sentry
  • G – Transform to Warpgate
  • M – Transform to Gateway
  • S – Stalker
  • T – High Templar
  • Z – Zealot


  • C – Chrono Boost
  • E – Probe
  • M – Mothership

Robotics Facility

  • A – Warp Prism
  • B – Observer
  • C – Colossus
  • I – Immortal


  • C – Carrier
  • V – Void Ray
  • X – Phoenix

Protoss Upgrade Hotkeys

Cybernetics Core

  • A – Air Armor Levels 1, 2 and 3
  • E – Air Weapons Levels 1, 2 and 3
  • G – Warp Gate
  • H – Hallucination

Fleet Beacon

  • F – Flux Vanes (increase void ray speed and acceleration)
  • G – Graviton Catapult (increase launch speed of interceptor)

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  • A – Ground Armor Levels 1, 2 and 3
  • G – Ground Weapons Levels 1, 2 and 3
  • S – Shield Levels 1, 2 and 3

Robotics Bay

  • B – Gravitic Boosters
  • E – Extended Thermal Lance
  • G – Gravitic Drive

Templar Archives

  • K – Khaydarin Amulet (increases starting energy for high templar by 25)
  • T – Psionic Storm (allows spell for high templar)

Twilight Council

  • B – Blink
  • C – Charge

Protoss unit Ability Hotkeys


  • B – Blink


  • C – Hallucination
  • F – Force Field
  • G – Guardian Shield

Warp Prism

  • E – Phasing Mode
  • T – Transport Mode


  • G – Graviton Beam

High Templar

  • C – Archon
  • F – Feedback
  • T – Psi Storm

Dark Templar

  • C – Archon


  • R – Recall
  • V – Vortex

Zeg Building Hotkeys

Basic Buildings (B)

  • B – Baneling Nest
  • C – Spine Crawler
  • E – Extractor
  • H – Hatchery
  • R – Roach Warren
  • S – Spawning Pool
  • V – Evolution Chamber
  • W – Spore Crawler

Advanced Buildings (V)

  • H – Hydralisk Den
  • I – Infestation Pit
  • N – Nydus Network
  • S – Spire
  • U – Ultralisk Cavern


  • H – Hive
  • L – Lair


  • G – Greater Spire

Zerg Unit Production Hotkeys


  • C – Corruptor
  • D – Drone
  • F – Infestor
  • H – Hydralisk
  • R – Roach
  • T – Mutalisk
  • U – Ultralisk
  • V – Overlord
  • Z – Zergling

Hatchery / Lair / Hive

  • Q – Queen


  • B – Brood Lord


  • E – Baneling


  • V – Overseer

Zerg Upgrade Hotkeys


  • B – Burrow
  • H – Hive
  • L – Lair
  • P – Pneumatized Carapace
  • V – Ventral Sacs

Evolution Chamber

  • A – Missile Attacks Levels 1, 2 and 3
  • C – Ground Carapace Levels 1, 2 and 3
  • M – Melee Attacks Levels 1, 2 and 3

Spawning Pool

  • A – Adrenal Glands
  • M – Metabolic Boost

Baneling Nest

  • C – Centrifugal Hooks

Roach Warren

  • G – Glial Reconstitution
  • T – Tunneling Claws

Infestation Pit

  • E – Neural Parasite
  • G – Pathogen Glands

Hydralisk Den

  • G – Grooved Spines


  • A – Flyer Attacks Levels 1, 2 and 3
  • C – Flyer Carapace Levels 1, 2 and 3 Ultralisk Cavern

  • C – Chitinous Plating

Zerg unit Ability Hotkeys


  • G – Generate Creep
  • L – Load
  • V – Morph to Overseer


  • C – Spawn Changeling
  • E – Contaminate


  • C – Spawn Creep Tumor
  • T – Transfusion
  • V – Spawn Larvae


  • E – Neural Parasite
  • F – Fungal Growth
  • T – Infested Terran


  • E – Morph to Baneling


  • C – Attack Structure
  • X – Explode

Corruptor Run android apps on macos.

  • B – Morph to Brood Lord
  • C – Corruption

Spine Crawler / Spore Crawler

  • R – Uproot / Root

All Non-Flying Units

  • R – Burrow

Terran Building Hotkeys

Basic Buildings (B)

  • B – Barrack
  • C – Command Center
  • E – Engineering Bay
  • N – Sensory Tower
  • R – Refinery
  • S – Supply Depot
  • T – Turret
  • U – Bunker

Advanced Buildings (V)

  • A – Armory
  • C – Fusion Core
  • F – Factory
  • G – Ghost Academy
  • S – Starport

Command Center

  • B – Orbital Command
  • P – Planetary Fortress

Barrack / Factory / Starport

  • C – Reactor
  • X – Tech Lab

Terran Unit Production Hotkeys

Barracks Screenshot tool pc.

  • A – Marine
  • D – Marauder
  • G – Ghost
  • R – Reaper


  • E – Hellion
  • S – Siege Tank
  • T – Thor

Starcraft 2 All Zerg Units


  • B – Battle Cruiser
  • D – Medivac
  • E – Banshee
  • R – Raven
  • V – Viking

Command Center

  • S – SCV

Orbital Command

  • E – MULE

Terran Upgrade Hotkeys

Engineering Bay

  • A – Infantry Armor Levels 1, 2 and 3
  • B – Building Armor
  • E – Infantry Weapons Levels 1, 2 and 3
  • H – Hi-Sec Auto Tracking
  • N – Neosteel Frame


  • E – Vehicle Weapons Levels 1, 2 and 3
  • P – Ship Plating Levels 1, 2 and 3
  • S – Ship Weapons Levels 1, 2 and 3
  • V – Vehicle Plating Levels 1, 2 and 3

Ghost Academy

  • C – Personal Cloaking
  • M – Moebius Reactor
  • N – Arm Silo With Nuke

Fusion Core


Starcraft Zerg Unit List

  • B – Behemoth Reactor
  • R – Weapon Refit

Adobe photoshop cc 2018 version number. Barracks Tech Lab

  • C – Combat Shield
  • G – Concussive Shells
  • N – Nitro Packs
  • T – Stimpack

Factory Tech Lab

  • C – 250mm Strike Cannons
  • I – Infernal Pre-Igniter
  • S – Siege Tech

Starport Tech Lab

  • A – Caduceus Reactor
  • C – Cloaking Field
  • D – Durable Materials
  • R – Seeker Missile
  • T – Corvid Reactor

Terran Unit Ability Hotkeys


  • Y – Yamato Cannon


  • C – 250mm Strike Cannons


  • D – Build Point Defense Drone
  • R – Seeker Missile
  • T – Build Auto-Turret


  • D – Assault Mode
  • E – Fighter Mode

Siege Tank

  • D – Tank Mode
  • E – Siege Mode


  • C – Cloak
  • D – Decloak


  • C – Cloak
  • D – Decloak
  • E – EMP Round
  • N – Tactical Nuclear Strike
  • R – Sniper Round

Orbital Command

  • C – Scanner Sweep
  • E – Call Down MULE
  • L – Lift Off
  • X – Call Down Extra Supplies

Supply Depot

  • R – Lower / Raise

Command Center

Starcraft 2 All Zerg Units Mod

  • L – Lift Off
  • O – Load

Planetary Fortress

  • O – Load

Barracks / Factory / Starport Windows xbox live.

  • L – Lift Off


  • L – Load
  • T – Stimpack
  • V – Salvage


  • R – Repair

Marine / Marauder

  • T – Stimpack
List the names of all of the Zerg units in the game Starcraft 2
First submittedMay 22, 2012
Times taken404
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Attacks and 'corrupts' other air units, increasing damage taken.
Fast but weak melee attacker ideal for swarming attacks in large numbers.
The core genus of the zerg that mutate into other Zerg breeds.
Powerful attacking ground dwelling support unit ideal for Zerg defense.
Produces control and is no longer a detector like the StarCraft I version.
The basic air offensive unit of the Zerg with high movement speed.
Harvests resources and spawns structures. Is sacrificed when creating new structures.
Basic ranged attacker of the Zerg swarm.
Massive Zerg melee attacker able to deal splash damage with its melee attack.
Exceptionally tough short ranged unit able to quickly regenerate and move while burrowed.
Provides ground support and can move while burrowed.
High hit point aerial ground attacker which replaced the Swarm Guardian, evolving from the Corruptor.
Works as a detector and has numerous special abilities.
Small green unit that utilizes a suicide attack.

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